Photography Challenge - Week 8

Photo Challenges

Welcome to week 8 of our challenges - mine being shoot buildings and Daz’s being mirror image.

My challenge - Shoot Buildings

There’s not much to say about this week. After the horrific events in the community over the past few days, I’ve not wanted to venture out. I did manage a street shot of Drake Circus, however photography - and for that matter everything is completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things.


I’m not going to do my usual ‘what did I enjoy’ - nothing has been enjoyable this past week and I think of everyone affected by Bobbi’s tragic loss.

Darren’s Challenge

Darren’s challenge was mirror image which he has completed in both Plymouth and Horrabridge.

Light Reflections

On a boat


The Weir



In Daz’s words:

Even though I was away for the week visiting family I still wanted to really give this theme a go, as the last couple weeks motivation was one of my issues.

I managed to grab a few captures before I went away which definitely gave me a head start for the week. Whilst being away I managed to get out a couple days with my camera visiting the local village, and grabbed some photos. I also wanted to be a little creative with this as well as you will see in the photos that have been posted.

What did Daz enjoy?

Despite a couple weeks where I have struggled a little mentally / with motivation, I definitely felt a lot better this week. I really wanted to give this weeks theme a real go, and being away visiting family helped and it gave me an opportunity to get out of my hometown.

Lessons to learn

There's a few good and creative ways to explore when doing a theme like this - from using your phone reflection to a simple mirror and reflection in puddles. It's another fun theme that has a good few ways you can play with.

Next week…

We have our themes for next week - and shall be revealing them when we post our next set of photos. Keep an eye out, and we can’t wait to see what the next week will bring.


Photography Challenge - Week 7